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Dental Hygiene

Dental hygiene is as important to your pets overall health as nutrition and exercise.

Poor dental hygiene can cause dental disease. Dental disease creates bacteria in the mouth and can cause oral pain, halitosis, tooth loss, periodontal disease and even affect the heart and kidneys, intestinal tract and joints.
Dental care for dogs and cats should never be neglected. However, since dental problems often develop gradually, it is easy to miss the signs, such as reluctance to eat or lack of activity, until there is a bad infection or serious cavity.

During a medical exam at your local Pet Health Center, veterinarians will determine the status of your pet's dental needs. If your pet needs more advanced dental care, a veterinarian will recommend the treatments needed and the approximate costs involved.

    It’s important to brush your pet’s teeth as early as possible. When their adult teeth are in at about 6-9 months old, it’s best to start a tooth-brushing regimen.
    Avoid dental products containing xylitol, as it is highly toxic to dogs and questionable to cats. NEVER use human toothpaste.
    Your pet should have annual dental check-ups by his veterinarian.
    Good dental hygiene can add years to your pet’s life.


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