Category Archives: dental equipment

The Complete Guide to Dental Handpieces

Introduction: What is a dental handpiece?
A dental handpiece is a device used by dentists which is attached to a dental drill and is used to drill into teeth. The handpiece can be used with the drill is to remove decayed teeth or to fill the space left after removal of decayed teeth. The type of handpiece used by dentists will depend on the type of drill being used. Handpieces are available in different shapes and sizes, depending on what type of work is required.

What are the Different Types of Handpieces?
There are several different types of surgical handpieces, including:

  • Dental turbine handpiece
  • Electric handpieces
  • Electrosurgical units
    Air-driven or turbine handpieces are powered by compressed air. They require an air compressor to provide the compressed air and a pressure regulator to control the pressure. These units are often used in the dental field to shape and polish teeth, but they can also be used in a surgical setting to remove excess tissue. and tissue for grafts.
    Electric handpieces use electricity to power an electric motor; this eliminates the need for compressed air. This type of unit is often used in a surgical setting and can be used with a variety of materials, including – plastic, metal, or glass.
    Electrosurgical units dental typically use electrical current to power an electric motor; these units are often used for performing minor electrosurgery through the use of a disposable electrode.

What are the Benefits of Having a Dental Handpiece in Your Clinic?
Dental handpieces are an investment for any dental clinic. They are a necessary part of the practice, and can make a huge difference in how many patients a practice can see each day. There are many benefits to having one in the clinic, but it can be difficult to list them all in order of importance.
The most important benefit is that they allow the dentist to spend less time on each patient. With a dental handpiece, the dentist can simply switch out the tool being used on a patient and then move onto the next person. This means that the dentist is able to see more patients in a day and provide them with better service.

Knowing How to Maintain Dental Handpieces

There’s many different types of dental equipment that you need at your dental practice, but there’s non more important than your dental handpiece. Every dentist is dependent on the electric handpiece in order for the practice to run smoothly. .Since it’s so versatile, the tool is also happens to be quite intricate. Proper maintenance allows the handpiece to keep running safely.

High speed handpieces are also known as drills in the dental world. This tool is a power-driven tool that has speeds of 400,000 rpm and up. The drill is of course used to drill holes for fillings and assist in other types of dental work like polishing dental trays for dentures.

Electric handpiece repair doesn’t require a complete rebuilding of the tool each and every time. Most times, the parts that are causing the issues are inspected and replaced if needed.

Sometimes, factory parts are required for a repair, other times, bearings of higher ratings can be used, depending on the state of the tool itself. Each brand and variation of handpiece has a different number of bearings and gears. That’s why you need to send your most important tool to the right repair company to ensure a safe and effective repair.

Low speed handpieces rotate at reduced speeds somewhere between 0 and 80,000 rpm, depending upon the make and model. These handpieces are equipped with a speed control ring, allowing you as the user to control the speed of the ring manually.

Understanding the different types of handpieces and the parts that are involved in maintaining them. Most dental offices use high speed handpieces more often than low speed, yet both are useful. You should expect to need your high speed handpiece maintained more often due to the wear and tear on the bearings. The type of maintenance that you perform on your handpiece will also depend on the intricate parts involved on each type of tool.

The Use of Dental Suction Units

There are two main types of dental suction unit that dentists use: the saliva ejector and the high volume suction. The saliva ejector does exactly what its name implies; it sucks saliva out of the mouth. This is the suction pictured at the upper right of this article. Many times dentists will have the patient close down on this suction so that it can suction away any remaining saliva in the patient’s mouth.

The other main type of dental suction that we use is the high volume suction. This suction is so strong that the dental assistant simply holds it close to where the dentist is working and it will suck away any nearby debris, much like a strong vacuum cleaner can suck away crumbs without actually touching them.
Why Dentists Use a Dental Suction

Now that the introductions are over, let’s talk about some of the different reasons why dentists will use a suction.
For Patient Comfort

Keeping the patient comfortable is a high priority. We suction after giving anesthetic because the anesthetic has a bitter taste, and most patients prefer to rinse out with water and use the saliva ejector. Also, if the anesthetic sits in the back of your mouth for too long, it may start to slightly numb the back of your mouth and could give the patient a gagging sensation.

We will also use the suction to make sure that you don’t get too much water in your mouth while we are working.
To Clean Away Any Excess Dental Materials

When a dental hygienist cleans and polishes your teeth, you can get a lot of cleaning paste in your mouth. We use the suction to help clean all of that away. Also, when dentists are do amalgam fillings, pieces of the soft amalgam can sometimes fall away from the tooth surface. We use the suction to help whisk them away.
To Keep the Tooth Dry

During some procedures, such as white fillings, it is important that the tooth stay clean and dry. The suction helps keep the tooth dry by sucking away any saliva, blood, and water that may have accumulated around the tooth. If the cavity went below the gum-line, then it’s pretty likely that the gums will bleed during the filling.

The Difference Between Traditional Handpiece and Electrical Handpiece

One of the most fundamental devices used in dentistry, the handpiece can enhance the efficiency of everyday dental tasks. Through the years, handpieces have gradually been redesigned and upgraded to become the highly accurate and sophisticated tools they are today. Technological advances continue to improve these indispensable dental equipment.

The dental handpiece is an essential element in any dentist’s armamentarium. It is a fundamental device that can enhance—or hinder, depending on its efficiency and maintenance—the daily routine of a practice. Selecting the right handpiece is critical to helping ensure the smooth operation of everyday activities. The two primary types of handpieces—air-driven and electric—have unique characteristics with specific benefits and drawbacks. Both can achieve excellent results, therefore it is important to understand the differences and advantages of each.

Speed and precision are two things that you should look for in a handpiece. The better your handpiece, the smoother the day-to-day operation of your dental practice will be. There’s many different kinds of handpieces. How do you select the one that’s right for your practice?

Traditional handpieces use an air-driven turbine to facilitate the rotators. These have a lighter weight and a skinny design, making them easy to work with. While turbine handpieces have many advantages, they can also cause higher levels of “noise” as the handpiece ages and the bearings wear down.

Electric handpieces (with variable revolutions per minute) are also available that give dentists added benefits when compared to their traditional air-driven counterparts. One significant difference is having a specific RPM, with constant torque and less “bur chatter” (more concentric), so that when polishing or cutting through various types of tooth structure or restorative materials, the bur does not “bog down” or slow down when performing the clinical task. In many clinical situations, an electric handpiece can perform the same functions that both an air-driven high-speed and separate low-speed unit can.

Since most clinicians still prefer individual handpieces for high and low speeds so they can be more efficient chairside, this may not make a difference when choosing between the two systems; however, the higher initial investment for electric handpieces may be a consideration for some clinicians. Also, given the ability to “dial in” the desired RPM and use different contra-angles that have different gearing ratios, the electric handpiece can be custom-tailored to perform many other types of clinical procedures such as rotary endodontics, implant placement, and third molar removal (via tooth sectioning), for example. This clinical versatility is very desirable in today’s dental practices where multidisciplinary treatments are becoming increasingly common.

Electrical handpieces operate at both high and low speeds. This makes them versatile for all kinds of procedures. Instead of bearings, this handpiece has gears instead of bearings. These handpieces are quieter due to the fact that air is not flowing through them for power.

The Use of Digital Tech in Dentistry

When contemplating the change to digital dental in your practice, the choices can be confusing for the dentist. Dental radiography has evolved from film and chemical developers into a highly technical process that involves various types of dental x-ray machines, as well as powerful dental software programs to assist the dentist with image acquisition and diagnostic analysis of the acquired images. When making the decision to purchase x-ray equipment, the doctor needs to research the available options thoroughly, in order to make an informed choice for the “right” machine for his or her practice.

Digital radiography is a type of X-ray imaging in which the images are transposed digitally onto computers or other devices rather than being developed onto film. Instead of using electromagnetic radiation and chemical processing to record an X-ray onto film, digital versions use digital sensors to record images onto an image capture device, which then creates a digital image file. This file can then be used by medical staff members, and the file can be attached to a patient’s medical notes for future reference.

Dental X-rays are one of the most important part of your regular dental treatment. You use the specialized imaging technology to look for hidden tooth decay – also called cavities – and can show dental issues such as abscessed teeth, dental tumors, and cysts.

While many patients see their dentist in-office, others require the dentist and equipment to go to them. Those who are incarcerated, home-bound, in nursing homes, working in underdeveloped locations or stationed on military bases are just some of the patients who may benefit from having access to a portable dental x-ray. Teeth problems could not only be painful but could also cause many health problems. Waiting to access an in-office machine may not be an option depending on the condition.

If the practice is concentrated in endodontic and implant treatment, then a CBCT machine is the most practical method of providing the doctor with diagnostic tools such as mandibular canal location, surgical guides, and pre-surgical treatment planning with the assistance of powerful 3D dental software applications. The patient is benefited by the reduced radiation exposure provided by these machines.

How to Use Air Polishers Effectively

Use of the dental air polisher for stain removal involves three steps: patient selection and preparation, clinician preparation, and the actual clinical technique. Air polishing should follow a careful review of the patient’s medical and dental history, and a thorough examination of the oral hard and soft tissues. Indications and contraindications, effects on hard tissues, restorations, safety, and alternative uses should be reviewed prior to treatment planning the use of the air polisher.

Preparation of the patient should include an explanation of the procedure, removal of contact lenses, an anti-microbial rinse, application of a lubricant to the lips, placement of safety glasses or a drape over the nose and eyes, and placement of a plastic or disposable drape over the patient’s clothing. Operators should use universal precautions, including protective apparel, a face shield or safety glasses with side shields, gloves, and a well-fitting mask with high-filtration capabilities.

During periodontal surgery, air polishers can prepare root surfaces detoxify them effectively and efficiently, and leave a uniformly smooth root surface that is clean and free of diseased tissues. Dentinal tubules are then occluded, which may result in decreased sensitivity. Superior growth and vitality of human gingival fibroblasts was evident when ultrasonic scaling was followed by air polishing, compared to ultrasonic scaling alone. Air polishing produced root surfaces that were comparable to manually rootplaned surfaces, and provided better access to furcations. Tissue healing following air polishing was comparable to that achieved by hand instrumentation in root preparation during periodontal flap surgery.

Research findings also support the use of air polishing with orthodontic patients. It is the most efficient and effective method for plaque and stain removal around orthodontic brackets, bands, and arch wires. It is not contraindicated on orthodontic bracket composite resin adhesive systems.

In restorative dentistry, air polishers have provided stronger composite repairs than traditional etching gels. They also are superior to rubbercup polishing in preparing occlusal surfaces for etching prior to sealant placement because the rubber cup forces debris into the fissures. Air polishing of occlusal surfaces also allows for deeper penetration of the sealant resin into the enamel surface than rubber cup and pumice cleaning of the fissures. Air polishers also have enhanced sealant bond strength compared to traditional polishing with a low-speed handpiece, bristle brush, pumice, and water.

Oral health care professionals have a responsibility to patients to engage in life-long learning in order to provide the most contemporary clinical care. Air polishing has been studied extensively and, when used appropriately, provides a safe, efficient and contemporary approach to achieving a variety of treatment goals.

The Benefits of Dental Air Polishing

Like many things in dentistry, air polishing has changed since the late 1970s. There are several new dental air polisher designs and new abrasive powders, and we now have the ability to use air polishers subgingivally. Sodium bicarbonate was the original abrasive powder used, but newer abrasive powders include glycine, calcium carbonate, calcium sodium phosphosilicate, aluminum trihydroxide, and erythritol. These additional powders give us more choices for our patients’ individual needs.

Use of air polishers decreased as the clinician’s age and experience increased. Curricula in many dental hygiene schools do not include clinical instruction in the use of this polishing device due to inadequate numbers of units and difficulty in moving units between clinic stations. Inadequate or insufficient knowledge and experience, therefore, appears to be a major factor in the underutilization of the air polisher. In an attempt to provide a suitable knowledge base for practicing dental hygienists, the primary purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive summary and critique of the research on all aspects of air polishing. In addition, a suggested technique, common concerns, and possible solutions will be discussed.

Discussions are based on a review of the relevant literature on air polishing. Tables organize the data into categories to facilitate access of needed information. Because of the various research designs employed and the number of variables that must be controlled, comparative analyses of the studies are difficult. However, where possible, analyses of the validity and reliability of the studies are provided. It should be remembered that while laboratory (in vitro) investigations are useful, the most definitive conclusions must be obtained through clinical (in vivo) studies. Case reports or opinion articles have limited applications. Therefore, interpretation and application of research results must be done with caution.

The benefits of air polishing for the dental professional include less operator fatigue, less time involved than the traditional polishing technique, and improved access to difficult-to-reach areas. Benefits to the patient include less time in the chair, less “scraping,” excellent stain removal, reduced dentin hypersensitivity, and improved periodontal status.

Air polishing has been compared to scaling( dental scaler ) and rubber-cup polishing for efficiency and effectiveness of stain and plaque removal. The use of the air polisher as an efficient and effective means of removing extrinsic stain and plaque from tooth surfaces. Air polishing requires less time than traditional polishing methods and removes stain three times as fast as scaling with comers. In addition, less fatigue to the operator has been mentioned as an important benefit of air polishing.

The Importance of Dental X-ray Machine

Your dentist uses the specialized imaging technology to look for hidden tooth decay – also called cavities – and can show dental issues such as abscessed teeth, dental tumors, and cysts. And your dental X-rays allow your dentist to see the condition of prior dental procedures, such as fillings, crowns, root canals, and bridges. And, too, your dentist will be able to look for possible bone loss as a result of periodontal gum disease and find hidden tartar build up.

In addition to diagnostics, they may choose to perform dental X-rays in order to check for bone density as part of preparing you for dental implants, which require an adequate density in order to support the implants.

The orthodontist requires a way to obtain the size and form of craniofacial structures in the patient. For this reason, a cephalometric extension on the dental x-ray machine is necessary to acquire images that evaluate the five components of the face, the cranium and cranial base, the skeletal maxillae, the skeletal mandible, and maxillary dentition. The cephalometric attachment offers images such as frontal AP and lateral cephs.

If the practice is concentrated in endodontic and implant treatment, then a CBCT machine is the most practical method of providing the doctor with diagnostic tools such as mandibular canal location, surgical guides, and pre-surgical treatment planning with the assistance of powerful 3D dental software applications. The patient is benefited by the reduced radiation exposure provided by these machines.

While many patients see their dentist in-office, others require the dentist and dental equipment to go to them. Those who are incarcerated, home-bound, in nursing homes, working in underdeveloped locations or stationed on military bases are just some of the patients who may benefit from having access to a portable dental x-ray. Teeth problems could not only be painful but could also cause many health problems. Waiting to access an in-office machine may not be an option depending on the condition.

When contemplating the change to digital dental in your practice, the choices can be confusing for the dentist. Dental radiography has evolved from film and chemical developers into a highly technical process that involves various types of digital x-ray machines, as well as powerful dental software programs to assist the dentist with image acquisition and diagnostic analysis of the acquired images. When making the decision to purchase x-ray equipment, the doctor needs to research the available options thoroughly, in order to make an informed choice for the “right” machine for his or her practice.

The Use of Dental Intraoral Camera on Oral Pathology

The dental equipment is constantly searching for ways to improve how we can diagnose and treat conditions in the oral environment. The ability to diagnose various types of oral pathology in their earliest forms is a huge benefit to both patients and dentists.

The dental explorer is said to have an accuracy of about 25%, and traditional radiographs have been reported to be about 68% accurate, but the tooth structure has to undergo enough damage for the lesion to become visible and by that time the patient is definitely getting a filling. These traditional lesion detection modalities are simply not capable of spotting small, early pathologies. But new technologies are now available to help clinicians locate and quantify potential problems in the gingival tissues as well as the teeth.

Of course clinically identifying an issue is just the first step. A patient must understand the trouble and consent to treatment, and one of the best tools to get patients engaged emotionally with their oral health care is an intraoral camera. When a patient can see a problem, he or she becomes more emotionally involved in the situation and engaged with finding a solution. With these patients the dental team doesn’t have to sell the patient on a treatment, they only need to find a time in the schedule to restore the problem and a financial plan that works for the patient.

While there are options for lesion detection and intraoral imaging, only a handful are able to combine both technologies into a single device the way has with the intraoral camera system. The camera combines the imaging prowess of a top intraoral camera with unique diagnostic illumination modes that can help identify suspected carious lesions or evaluate periodontal health.
When capturing intraoral images, it helps to have flexibility so you are able to get the specific shot you need for the case at hand. When using the camera I’m able to choose from four magnification levels so I can shoot an extraoral patient portrait or smile, or intraorally capture a full arch, a single tooth or even fine detail on a tooth surface.

Many intraoral cameras can do that, but with a combination system I can also switch to a diagnostic setting and in the case of the camera I can use 450 nm blue LED wavelength which makes potential carious lesions stand out from the healthy tooth structure in a way that is easy for not just a clinician but also for a patient to see and understand. With the camera this extra diagnostic capability goes even further with a periodontal screening setting that can provide images to help patients understand the periodontal issues discovered by their hygienists.

How to Repair Electric Dental Handpiece Repair

Every dentist is dependent on the electric handpiece in order for the practice to run smoothly. Proper maintenance allows the dental handpiece to keep running safely. The sterilization process is actually what has the greatest effect on the equipment itself, causing it to suffer wear and tear. It’s important that you choose the repair options that’s right for you and your dental office.

Sterilization by dental autoclave is a necessary part of the maintenance of your dental handpiece. This process also puts your handpiece under the most stress with wear and tear. Maximum temperatures in your autoclave shouldn’t reach more than 140 degrees Fahrenheit. This can help to preserve your handpiece just a bit longer in between the need for service.

Electric handpiece repair doesn’t require a complete rebuilding of the tool each and every time. Most times, the parts that are causing the issues are inspected and replaced if needed. Sometimes, factory parts are required for a repair, other times, bearings of higher ratings can be used, depending on the state of the tool itself. Each brand and variation of handpiece has a different number of bearings and gears. That’s why you need to send your most important tool to the right repair company to ensure a safe and effective repair.

Every dental handpiece will need to be serviced at some point from time to time, it’s important to properly maintain your handpiece as you move through your day-to-day operations. Arpino Dental is here to service your handpiece any time that you need us, but in the meantime, here’s some tips to help you keep your handpiece in great condition.

Regular servicing of your dental handpiece is crucial to ensure a long and well-functioning operation of the tool. There are some tell tale signs that your handpiece needs more than routine servicing.

1. If your dental handpiece is vibrating more than usual, it could be a sign that there’s a problem with the handpiece itself. The simple solution is that you may simply just need to flush the handpiece out with oil as directed by your manufacturer. Simple lubrication can work wonders for your handpiece. Alternatively, the bearings inside of the tool could be loose.

2. If there’s a problem with the turbine inside of the tool, you could also be looking at a problem with the motor on your dental handpiece. It may even be worth replacing your handpiece all together with a refurbished dental handpiece.

Electrical handpieces operate at both high and low speeds. This makes them versatile for all kinds of procedures. Instead of bearings, this handpiece has gears instead of bearings. These handpieces are quieter due to the fact that air is not flowing through them for power.