What are the Dental Emergencies

With your dental health, as well as with your physical health, accidents and sudden aches and pains happen. When trauma to your teeth, gums, jaw or face occur or if sudden, severe or persistent pain is present, you should see your dentist right away.

If your tooth gets knocked out, it is important to find the tooth and go to the dentist immediately. If you wait too long for a dentist to put your tooth back it, it will die and will need to be replaced by an implant and crown. It is estimated that you have an hour-long window to reinsert your tooth before it is lost and unusable. If you lose a tooth, gently wash it off with cold water and try to reposition it back in your mouth, gently biting down to hold it in place. If you’re not able to place it in your mouth, place the tooth in some milk. Don’t set it in water.

Braces are a common orthodontic dental alignment treatment commonly found in teens and some adults. Braces have metal wires and brackets that can become lose and brake. A broken metal wire is sharp and can cause injury to the inside of the cheeks, gums and the tongue. The broken part of the braces will need to be promptly removed and replaced by a dentist or orthodontist to prevent further damage and irritation. Before going to the dentist or orthodontist, cushion the edge of the broken piece to avoid additional injury to the mouth.

Sports, accidents, falls and biting hard objects all have the potential to crack, fracture and break teeth. Broken teeth are the most common dental emergencies. Fortunately, a broken tooth can be easily fixed by a dentist using dental bond. If you brake a tooth, locate the pieces and carefully clean them as well as the tooth. If the tooth was broken due to impact or trauma to the mouth, nose or face, apply a cold compress on the area to reduce the swelling( dental equipment).

Sometimes the bonding that fills in cavities can become lose and get dislodged, causing the tooth to become exposed to pressure, air, cold and heat. This exposed part of the tooth will be extremely sensitive so pain is often accompanied when a filling is lost. Similarly, if a tooth is covered by a crown, it becomes sensitive. To maintain the stability and integrity of the tooth, it is important that you see the dentist as soon as possible. If you find the crown, rinse it off and bring it with you.

Dental emergencies are very common. An underlying infection may be present or the damage due to the accident can cause further damage if not promptly treated. A dental emergency is one in which the patient’s tooth or teeth are at risk of being lost, there is much bleeding and/or there is severe, inhibiting pain.

The Importance of Choosing Good Quality Dental Compressor

When you’re using a poor-quality dental air compressor system that delivers either dirty air or an air compressor that delivers air at a lower pressure than required, you’ll see low-quality or even no operation of these devices. If air pressure is good, but the air itself is unclean, then you’re risking internal damage to those units, reducing their overall lifespan.

The biggest concern is moist air that can harm delicate internal machinery and quickly make your tools unusable. Moisture can lead to corrosion, microorganism contamination and decrease the precision of your tools. For those who select a low-quality air compressor, a common issue is carbon buildup that poses an even greater danger to the machinery in handpieces.

Electric dental handpieces also tend to have a greater cost and a higher number of parts that you’ll need to maintain, while air-driven pieces can be obtained in full, often for less than $1,000. Air-driven handpieces also tend to be lighter and easier to handle, with the latest innovations providing greater torque so you can use them for many applications over a longer period of time.

Oil-lubricated air compressors tend to be quieter and can last longer than other models, making them seem like a top choice for a dental office, but that may not be the case.

The main reason many dentists choose an oil-free compressor is because they have a lower risk of contaminating the compressed air with lubricant. These units also tend to be lighter, allowing them to be placed in a wider range of areas, while still creating as much air flow and pressure as many oil-lubricated models.

Removing the risk of contaminating the air is the biggest win and makes the most sense because it can protect the health and safety of your patients, staff and those in your office waiting areas. While you will need to perform maintenance slightly more often, the health and safety concerns significantly outweigh any benefit you’d see from using the heavier, lubricated models.

The Benefits of Dental UV Light Curing

UV Curing is defined as ‘a speed curing process in which high intensity ultraviolet light is used to create a photochemical reaction that instantly cures inks, adhesives, coatings and other materials’. The use of a Liquid light guide, for example, is the most economical way of delivering high intensity UV light to materials. Light guides come in two, three or four pole configuration and filter mount assemblies are available to prolong their shelf life.

This technology has gained momentum in the manufacturing sector in recent years and it is easy to see why. With a long list of benefits, UV light curing is recognised as the smart solution for original equipment manufacturers. The incorporation of UV curing technology into a manufacturer’s production process can have enormous advantages including cost efficiency, enhanced quality, increased safety and boosted production.

One of the greatest draws of UV Curing technology is its rapid cure speed. This benefit is particularly important because of the positive ripple effect it has on production. Manufacturers will see a reduction in labour costs meaning less assembly stations are required. Furthermore, shorter cycle times and reduced work in progress will result in improved lead times for customers.

Another significant perk of UV curing technology is its simplicity. No racking or ovens are required and UV curing dispensing equipment tends to be less expensive than required for the heat curing process. In addition, since UV curing materials are single component, there is no need for mixing and issues with pot life are avoided, leading to less waste.

A final benefit of UV light curing technology( dental curing light) is that it is environmentally friendly since it provides a safe alternative to the use of harmful chemicals. Manufacturers also benefit from reduced regulatory and disposal costs and production workers need not worry about any potential risks to their healthy. A radiometer is a useful tool to have in the UV Curing process since they allow operators to monitor and record the UV light curing process – for example a low UV intensity measurement would indicate to the user that part of the apparatus needs to be replaced. Radiometers also have the capability to confirm if the operator is sufficiently shielded from the UV light.