Tag Archives: Teeth

New Dental Technology Makes Dentists Practice More Efficiently

New dental technology has enabled dentists practice more efficiently and comfortably and has eliminated the use of drilling and filling. Other technologies have made patients smile improve in a very short time while others enable patients grow new teeth.

Laser technology like dental air polisher has grown in popularity in the recent years and has found a niche in dentistry. Due to the laser energy produced, different dental problems can be cured. It also sterilizes and coagulates blood vessels to reduce risk of infection. The advantage of laser technology is the reduction of pain felt in dental procedures and minimized bleeding and controlled swelling in gum disease treatment.

Air abrasion is a new procedure used for treating cavities and eliminates anesthesia and dental drill. It involves the use of tiny particles of aluminum oxide used to remove cavities by propelling it against the tooth. It is an expensive procedure but effective in the treatment of small to medium sized cavities. It is making patients visit to the dentist comfortable since it does not require anesthesia and is done in a very short time and does not come with build-up of fluids that accompany the use of the dental drill.

Dental implant is another new development in the field of dentistry.Implant dentists can easily replace your missing tooth by an artificial one. The procedure of dental implants involves replacement of tooth surgically into the jawbone and anchors replacement teeth. The artificial tooth will acts as a natural tooth enabling you to use basic things such as chewing and speaking without any difficulty. You can simply replace a single tooth or a number of teeth, this procedure is very expensive yet it allows you to improve your smile as well as boost your confidence.

Dental whitening is now gaining in popularity today. Teeth whitening machine is also developing. With the help of dentist you can simply whiten your teeth. Another development in the field of dentistry we see today is bonding. In this process, the dentists whether its general dentists or emergency dentists cleans and prepares the surface of your teeth and then bonds tooth colored resin fillings to them. This method can be utilized for repairing chipped teeth, close small gaps between teeth as well as change the shape of teeth and sometimes cover changing of color in teeth.

One of the other new method in dentistry today is veneers, this method can be utilized in improving the appearance of teeth by changing the shape of the teeth, by altering the color of teeth also by masking strains as well as by replacing small fractured pieces of teeth.

The Importance of Getting Healthy Teeth

A white smile indicates perfectly healthy gums and teeth and how confident one feels. The importance of getting healthy teeth cannot be emphasized enough in today’s society especially with the advent of many new high-tech ways to keep the teethhealthy.

A healthy set of teeth has its functional utilities served well – grinding, chewing and tearing food to help in the digestive system. Additionally, there’s the cosmetic value of having shiny white teeth which is key to boosting self-image and self-confidence. Having a healthy smile is having good dental and internal health. A person may have unhealthy teethdue to some medical conditions like diabetes. Such medical conditions may prevent a person from having good set of teeth.

What then does it take to have that healthy smile? For one, improper dental care and hygiene often results to dental problems – toothache, cavities, tooth decay, etc. Excessive sugar and plaque can cause tooth decay and gum disease. When debris and bacteria collect on theteeth, and are not removed by oral cleansing, plaque build-up can be expected. A lost tooth or a chipped tooth is an example of tooth injury. When cavities formed one gets toothache. When a person has a toothache, or has chipped tooth or a missing tooth with dental equipment, smiling becomes pretty hard and an unwanted activity.

The professionalism of a dentist is also important to consider. He should be able to present himself properly through his physical attributes and the way he interacts with clients and staff. His clinic and staff should also be professional in dealing with clients and with everyone in the clinic. They should also abide with the OSHA policies especially those pertaining to sterilization and disinfection of materials and methods in the clinic.

Results of the dentist’s treatments should be available to their clients via website and on the walls of their clinics. This is like a professional portfolio for most dentists these days. These are also ‘turn-ons’ for their would-be clients, proving their worth and expertise in the field of cosmetic dentistry. You may check Brisbanesmilecentre website for a sample portfolio of Camp Hill dentists and Coorparoo dentists if you live in these areas.

Truly, dentist with a vast knowledge of the field and specialty is dedicated and professional in many ways with dental curing light. He is not just a person to if you have a dental crisis, but he’s also available to give his insights and advice on how you can keep your beautiful smile for a long time.

The Most Importantant Thing of Dentistry

Best dental equipment is so important to dentistry. While how about other things? You may want to provide emergent and urgent care so people do not have to miss as much work. The problem with only providing this kind of care is it does not encourage people to take responsibility for their preventative dental health.

If diagnostic care, emergent/urgent care and preventive care are covered at 100% of dentist’s fee, what’s next?

Usually it’s eliminating existing pathology: infected gums and bone around the teeth, abscessed teeth and large caries lesions (cavities). These become emergencies and urgencies that cause missed work.

The next thing an employer must consider is repair dentistry. The more repair dentistry covered by the insurance, the higher the premiums will be to the employer. This brings up the pleasing smile issue. Many dentists are doing repair dentistry today because of 1) extreme makeovers and 2) mercury silver amalgam fillings.

Most of us have seen the extreme makeover program where people with bad smiles have them made over. This has placed a huge strain on dental insurance because people are going to the dentist wanting their smiles recreated. Unfortunately, many of the materials used in makeovers do not last as long and can cause damage to the nerves of the tooth, leading to more expensive problems.

One of the hottest debates in dentistry today is whether silver amalgam fillings are safe because they contain mercury. Many fillings are being replaced for this reason, adding onto dental premiums. From a purely scientific standpoint, there is no basis for replacing fillings because of mercury. If they wear out they have to be replaced, but they have not been proven to be unsafe.

After diagnosis, emergent/urgent care, prevention and elimination of pathology, fillings should be covered. The

most cost-effective are, anterior (front) cosmetic fillings so people can smile, and posterior (back) amalgam fillings where people chew.

This leaves the replacement of missing teeth. Because these prosthetic devices usually last for a long time and can be financed outside of dental insurance as a way to conserve costs, they should be considered for payment last.

Most insurance sold today limit costs by annual dollar amount maximums, usually $1,000 or $1,500 per year, with deductibles, and with co-pays. The traditional plans cover diagnosis and prevention at 100% of the dentist’s usual and customary fee. Fillings, treatment or pathology at 70% or 80%, and replacement of missing teeth and crowns at 50%.

How Can We Become More Beautiful

More people drinking coffee, tea, wine, soda, and other tooth-staining food and drinks, tooth discoloration is common. Yellowish or stained tooth are common to many people these days. It may affect people’s appearance and confidence. Then how to solve the problem?

Nowadays, people can easily resort to tooth whitening procedures to restore their teeth’s pearly-white glory by dental equipment. Some can manage with slightly discolored tooth, while others have severe cases wherein the discoloration is extensive and easily noticeable by other people. Because white tooth are a sign of good hygiene, youth, and beauty, something opposite than that may be unpleasant for others.

As an alternative to braces, Invisalign is a clear and removable aligner that aims to align tooth in its proper structure and correct certain bite problems. Because this is removable, people can easily eat food and brush their teeth thoroughly and floss without the difficulty that metal braces are known for. It is a more convenient solution with similar success rate and results.

One of the great contributions of technology to dentistry is porcelain veneers. These are thin teeth-like films that are bonded to the surface of tooth to cover any cracked, chipped, misaligned, crooked tooth, as well as cover up gaps in between teeth. This is fabricated through advanced dental technology to provide individuals with natural and beautiful tooth without the awkward imperfections.

So when did the history of dentistry begin? According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, early dentistry can be traced back to ancient times. For example, Egyptian skulls have been found dating from 2900 to 2750 BCE which contain evidence of small holes in the jaw in the area of the tooth’s roots. It is believed that holes such as this were drilled in order to drain abscesses. In addition to this, accounts of dental treatments have been found in Egyptian scrolls dating back from 1500 BCE. Many believe that the ancient Egyptians began practicing dentistry as early as 2500 BCE, although there is very minimal evidence.

Thankfully, with the advances in medical technology, going to the dentist can be a much more tolerable experience. However, whether you’re 2, or 92, everyone wants a pleasant trip to the dentist. That’s why choosing the right one is not an easy decision, especially with so many choices. Dental emergencies such as toothaches, tooth decay, gum problems, and braces can cause a lot of stress.

How to Straighten Your Teeth

Today, there are several Orthodontic treatments that can spare the metal, but still give you the desired results of a straighter, more beautiful smile. Metal braces are still a popular form of straightening teeth, but these days it’s not your only option.

Traditional metal braces have to be worn, sometimes, up to three years or longer. This might be a feasible option for younger children, but many adults just don’t want to wait that long to improve the look of their smile. Today, it’s possible to use invisible braces or porcelain veneers.

Porcelain veneers are very beneficial to people with cracked, chipped or severely crooked teeth. Veneers are probably the quickest way to get you the perfect smile of your dreams. They are made out of a ceramic that closely resembles that of real tooth enamel. The dentist or orthodontist will shape this material into something uniquely designed for your teeth and after all the other necessary steps have been completed he will bond them to your natural teeth by using dental cement.

Before finalizing any of the treatment procedure to be used, careful evaluation of the dental irregularity is necessitated. Orthodontists carefully examine the structure of the jaws, face, and teeth before finally prescribing any orthodontic procedures fitted for the patient. This can be accomplished through the use of photographs, dental curing light, and bite impressions. Depending on the result of the evaluation, they can recommend the use of ceramic braces, metal braces, or Invisalign braces.

For children, traditional metal braces are the ones usually recommended since these are tough and also cheap in cost. Clear ceramic braces or the tooth-coloured braces are translucent, stain-resistant, and very smooth. The Invisalign invisible braces are usually preferred by teens and adults. The Invisalign aligners made of clear plastic are designed specially by utilizing advanced technology of 3D imaging and dental lab equipment.

In order to hasten the teeth straightening, the patient has to patiently wear one set of aligners in two weeks after which is the replacement of another fresh set. Patients can drink and eat as well as floss and brush their teeth normally; hence these Invisalign braces can improve oral hygiene. Because these braces are virtually invisible, the treatment can be completed without other people noticing them.